Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

There is so much to love about this homemade all-purpose cleaner. From the fact that it involves only two ingredients. Or that it has the fresh smell of citrus. It’s simple and something you can feel good about using all over your home. Not to mention the price point! You can’t beat it!

There has been a lot of things making a comeback lately. I’m grateful one of them is going back to simple ingredients that you can read. Most products these days have an ingredient list a mile long and you can’t read hardly any of them. We as moms want something better for our families.

all purpose cleaner in spray bottle

I have been on a mission to find everything I possibly can to make myself. What a feeling of accomplishment when you make something yourself that you feel good about for your family. I love that I can clean any surface of my home with this homemade all-purpose cleaner and not worry about what I’m exposing myself, husband, or kids to.

The Overwhelm of becoming a Non Toxic Household

I lived majority of my life clueless about the toxins I was constantly taking in on a daily basis. I loved a bath and body works sale. I used every fragrance possible, lit all the candles, and don’t get me started on all the processed foods. I quit buying most of those things. In reality though no one can avoid everything that is toxic.

We can however make small changes that overtime will make a big difference. I have spent the last five years making changes. At first I remember feeling overwhelmed. Once my eyes were opened to everything I felt I needed to change I wanted to do it all at once. That is no one’s reality!

In reality I just started day by day thinking of things I could do myself. What can I do to limit the amount of store bought products I could bring into my home. Instead what can I make to replace those items. One of the very first things I made was homemade cleaner.

Over the past five years we have made a lot of changes in our home. There are still so many to make, but I am doing my best. That’s all we can do as moms! Everyday make the best decisions possible with what we have to create a healthy thriving environment in our home. An easy step to start with is a product we use everyday like this all purpose cleaner.

What You’ll Need to Make All-Purpose Cleaner

ingredients for all purpose cleaner
  • Citrus- I like using the bag of cuties from the grocery store. My kids especially love having a container of fully peeled oranges ready to eat in the fridge too!
  • Distilled White Vinegar- Vinegars main component is acetic acid which allows it to effectively break down stains and grime. It is also mild enough to not damage the surface being cleaned making it such a great all purpose cleaner.
  • Glass Jar & Spray bottle- In order to store the cleaning solution I use a half gallon sized jar. Once the cleaner has sat I pour it into a glass spray bottle in order for it to be used.

How to Make All-Purpose Cleaner

peeled oranges for all purpose cleaner
pouring vinegar onto oranges for all purpose cleaner

Step 1: Peel your bag of oranges and add the peels to your glass jar. Bonus- you now have a container of fruit ready for your kids in the fridge.

Step 2: Cover the orange peels with distilled white vinegar.

Step 3: Let the cleaner sit on a shelf until it has created a beautiful orange color. This is when you know all that citrus has done its job and its ready to be used.

Step 4: Pour your all purpose cleaner into a spray bottle to be used!

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

Tips for your All-Purpose Cleaner

  • You can use any type of citrus you would like. Lemons would also make a wonderful all purpose cleaner for your home. I am hoping to try grapefruit in the future as well.
  • On one occasion I had a piece of orange pulp get into my spray bottle and ruin it. Be sure to pay attention as to not pour orange pieces into your spray bottle.
  • I usually always have two glass jars I use. One is ready to go and the other is being made so it’s ready once I run out of the other. I never want to be without my cleaner.
  • One of my favorite parts of using this cleaner is that because its non toxic my kids can easily clean without me worrying about what they are touching!
  • If you wanted to make a quick all purpose cleaner just throw some vinegar in a spray bottle and add some citrus essential oils!

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